This allows you t debug your apps, and to use adb to copy files, check processes running on your device, etc.

This is only possible if the application hasn't been launched yet by Android Studio. For example, I was testing push notifications, and wanted to debug the case where no other application components was running (Activity, Service), and only the Broadcast Receiver declared in my AndroidManifest.xml was launched in response to the push notification message. You may want to observe/ debug behaviour related to your app's Activity, Broadcast Receiver or Service being launched by an Intent, without any side effects of the application already running. How to debug Android apps (including Flutter) without launching from the debugger? Early 'mistakes' as a self-taught developer.How to delete many events in one go in Google Calendar.Computer sciences courses I loved at Imperial College.Markdown for convenient academic writing.macOS CLIs: Building, Signing & Notarizing.FlatBuffers for TensorFlow Lite, with a bonus about quantization.What ML model does Apple Vision Framework use?.Anonymous video calls in React, using Ably, Mediapipe, Three.js and Next.js.How to debug Android apps (including Flutter) without launching from the debugger?.What is the difference between a clang (C++, Objective-C, C) module and a Swift module?.How/when Flutter runs on iOS and Android.SSH into your private machines from anywhere, for free, using Cloudflare Tunnel.Syncing Obsidian Vault on macOS and Android, for free, using git.Replacing SSH over Cloudflare with Tailscale.

Alternative Cargo Registry authentication workaround.