Status:Ĝonnection established, waiting for welcome message. Thank You so much to anyone that helps me! Sooooooo, my question is this: am i getting the 530 error due to the fact that my password is not the billing password? To access files using FileZilla : Host: YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME (ex: ) or YOUR-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS Username: Enter your FTP account username Password. The persons whos site it is, set up a 'hosting password' for me through blue host so that I could make the site for him, but not have access to his billing information.

So, now when I use filezilla I get the old 530 login error. So I believe I now just need to upload wordpress manually using FileZilla. FTP server name: enter your domain name here or the name of the hosting server where your account resides FTP username: your cPanel username FTP password. Check the settings on any firewall or antivirus scanning programs, or check with your network administrator to see if this might be happening to you. Some firewall and antivirus programs block file transfer connections by injecting false login failures. Make sure you double click on the folder name so that you are INSIDE the. Firewall or antivirus is blocking FileZilla/FileZilla Pro. So I eventually figured out this is because the public html folder was essentially empty. Once connected, navigate to your domains folder on the Remote Server (right side). You can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP User and Password. I kept getting 403 error when trying to log in using wordpress, or even access the site on a browser. Enter your FTP Host, Username and Password. This was a fresh domain that has had nothing ever done to it. Limiting the log size On the same tab, enable 'Limit size of logfile' and enter the desired value in Mebibyte (MiB). You can select the path freely, but you must use a directory where you have write permission. However, after talking with blue host support, something apparently went wrong during the transfer process and most of the wordpress files did not transfer. Just enable 'Log to file' in FileZilla's settings, Logging tab and select a path and filename for the log. On top of all this, they have an unique 80 discount for WPBeginner readers integrated with totally free SSL and a totally free domain. He recently migrated a doman name to blue host. Hostinger serves over 29 million users in 178 nations. Extra WordPress instances are displayed in the "Domains > example.Hello everybody, and thanks for having me!.Additional user can view all subscriptions list owned by customer in Plesk.