Start using 45+ pre-recorded avatars or add your own Brand face. Post the performance, the video clip, without the audio, is fed into Google’s AI, which then uses the movement of the face and lips in particular to understand the lipsing. In this webinar, our experts provide an insight and a demo of our LipSync Tool. A few months prior I played with the concept of video translation using Google Wavenet, which on its own, it is an amazing development in AI.

LIKE Video is an interesting social video network, where users can share short videos and impose effects on them. People who has rich experience in film adaption is preferred. sync): "#undertheinfluence#undertheinfluencechrisbrown#chrisbrown#chrisbrownofficial#yourbodylanguagespeakstome#trend#viral#. Animate also supports traditional frame-by-frame lip-sync animation.

The TensorFlow facemesh model provides real-time high density estimate of key points of your facial expression using only a webcam and on device machine learning.